These plants are easy to care for, and they are unique in brightening up a room . In a terrarium , in a vertical arrangement or in pots of bright colors, the only limit to what we can create with succulents is our imagination! Do not hesitate to buy succulent plants online in India at the best price from our store.
Name: Succulents, sometimes called succulents
Succulents do not correspond to any particular botanical family . There are many species of succulents, around 12,000, but they are divided into different plant families. It is therefore a type of plant.
For example, succulents are found in the Liliaceae
family, the same family as the lily. Among the most
famous succulents are cacti, which belong to the Cactaceae family.
Succulents come from very sunny regions including Africa, South America and Mediterranean countries. They are found in different environments, near the sea or at altitude, but always in arid or semi-arid regions.
Succulents have the ability to store water in their leaves, stems and roots in order to be able to withstand periods of drought. Moreover, the name succulent comes from the Latin succulentus , which means "full of juice".
Generally speaking, succulents have thick, fleshy leaves and stems, so they are also called succulents. Their skin is sometimes hairy or waxy in appearance. There are also succulents that have tapered leaves or thorns, like cacti.
The space and height required for succulents is highly dependent on the plant chosen. Given the number of succulent species, there are a lot of differences from plant to plant.
One should also inquire about the plant's growth rate when purchasing, since some succulents are very slow growing, like cacti, while others will grow faster, like aeonium.
The substratum must be well draining and must approach a desert or semi-arid soil. We use the same type of substrate as for cacti, a mixture of soil, potting soil and sand. It is important to put small gravel at the bottom of the pot so that water does not accumulate.
We favor a maximum of sunshine and light for succulents. While most like full sun, some species prefer a lightly shaded location.
Inside the house, succulents can be placed on a south-facing window sill. However, care must be taken not to expose the succulents too brutally to the sun so as not to burn them. For uniform growth, you should also turn the pot regularly.
Succulents love warm temperatures, but don't forget to give them a rest period, with cooler, dryer temperatures, and spacing waterings. This period is essential for the flowering of the plant.
Even though succulents can withstand periods of drought, watering is still essential. The most important rule is to let the soil dry out between waterings . We are talking about a weekly frequency in summer and even less during the winter period.
It is also necessary to ensure that the water drains well from the pot, so that the roots do not remain in the water.
You can water by drenching, a method which consists of soaking the bottom of the pot in a basin filled with water and waiting a few hours, while the substrate absorbs the water. The pot is then removed from the water basin, allowing it to drain to remove excess water.
To clean a succulent plant , just spray a little water on the smooth leaves and wipe them dry with a rag. You can also brush the leaves covered with hair with a small brush in order to remove any residue that may have settled there.
Succulents sometimes need to be pruned . You have to cut dead branches and those that are too invasive.
Succulents don't need a lot of fertilizer ; it is mainly used during the flowering period.
Like cacti, succulents need a period of rest to be able to flower, which is called the winter period. Cooler temperatures are then recommended and the waterings are space. This promotes the appearance of flowers in spring.
You can repot succulents to promote their growth, to refresh the substrate when it is too old, when the pot has become too small or at the time of purchase.
We choose a pot a little larger than the previous one, so that the plant has the necessary space to grow. It is important that there are openings at the bottom to allow water to drain. We take the opportunity to change the soil, prune the roots and remove those that are dry or damaged.
While it is appropriate to use terracotta pots , which are porous and do not retain moisture, succulents are found in all kinds of containers, glass or plastic. You can use anything, as long as the water does not accumulate so as not to rot the roots.
There are so many varieties of succulents. Here are a few :
1. Aloe, from the Aloeaceae family.
2. The echeveria, from the Crassulaceae family , is recognizable by its rosette shape.
3. The haworthia fasciata, from the Liliaceae family , which has triangular, tapering leaves.
4. Lithops, from the Aizoaceae family, which are also called “pebble plants” because of their appearance.
Excess water and humidity: If the plant rot, softens, turns brown or has brownish spots, it is because it is suffering from excess water, which happens when watering too often or the humidity is too high in the room. This can be fatal for succulents.
Lack of water: On the other hand, if the succulent plant dries up, wilts or wrinkles, it is because it lacks water. It is then enough to water to correct the situation.
Lack of light: If the stem of a succulent lengthens drastically or if it stops growing, it is because it lacks light.
Too much sun: When some leaves of the plant turn black or red, it is a sign of too much sun. It is necessary to put the plant in the shade for a while.
Insects and parasites: Succulents can sometimes harbor insects or parasites that harm them, such as mealybug or black aphid.