Aloe vera is a houseplant that is very easy to grow. Decorative, it brightens up our interior while playing the role of a real pharmacy. Indeed, its foliage has incredible medicinal properties.
Originally, aloe vera is a plant that grows naturally in the hottest regions of the globe (tropical or subtropical regions), such as for example Mexico, North Africa, India, China or the Middle East. But today, this plant has become so famous that it is cultivated and consumed all over the world!
Among the many species of aloe vera that exist (a little more than 300), the most famous and the most common remains the Barbados aloe vera (aloe vera Barbadensis), easily recognizable by its long, serrated leaves, of a green color. which is sometimes gray with more pink undertones on the edge. This is also from aloe Barbados that one makes the aloe vera juice ... a famous drink for its nutritional richness uncommon. Which is far from being a coincidence, especially when we know that aloe vera is a naturally (very) rich plant:
This is why aloe vera is a super plant, which has also been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes.
Aloe vera is a decorative indoor plant that is easy to care for and does not require much of the year. Very resistant plant , especially to heat, it is grown both outside in summer and inside the house in winter. However, Aloe vera requires some care to keep it alive as long as possible. Aloe vera requires a lot of light but beware of strong exposure to the sun which can cause the plant to dry out and the leaves to turn yellow.
The maintenance of aloe vera should be when the soil is dry on the surface spring water or harvest rainwater regularly but moderate: remember to water about once a week , especially . Choose water. Prefer water at room temperature rather than too cold or too hot, in order to avoid causing a significant stress for your plant.
Different species:- Aloe vera belongs to the Aloaceae family which has 300 diverse species.
Exposure:- Aloe vera is afraid of direct sunlight which helps the plant to dry out, but it still requires light. It is installed near a window that lets in light while avoiding subjecting it to direct sunlight.
Aloe vera requires good light but fears direct sunlight which promotes drying out of the plant. A too sunny exposure could indeed quickly dry out the foliage and make it yellow in a lasting way.
So choose to install it near a window that lets in as much light as possible, but avoid it being subjected to direct sunlight.
Temperature:- Aloe vera appreciates a temperature between 18 and 21 ° all year round.
Watering in spring and summer:- It should be regular but moderate , about once a week. The ideal is to water when the soil is dry on the surface. Don't wait too long, especially on a hot day, as the plant may suffer.
Watering in fall and winter:- Reduce watering during fall and winter. Wait until the soil is dry for a few inches before watering again. Use water at room temperature.
Repotting:- This operation is essential and must be carried out every 2 to 3 years in a pot with a slightly larger diameter. Once every 3 years at most, repot your aloe vera in the spring, after flowering. When repotting, choose a pot with a slightly larger diameter but not too large and make sure that the bottom has a hole.
Fertilizer:- You don't need to put fertilizer on your aloe vera.
Aloe vera is a decorative plant, but that's not all! Its gel has multiple virtues, in particular therapeutic properties in the treatment of certain gastrointestinal disorders or skin diseases. Its leaves contain the active ingredients that relieve itching, insect bites and eczema burns. It is also effective against cellulite, acne and warts. Also note that the plant can relieve sunburn! To collect the gel, simply cut a leaf at the base and then cut it into pieces a few centimeters wide.
Once properly installed in your living room, your office or your bedroom, aloe vera is ready to work real little miracles to purify the ambient air and make it healthier and more breathable. In fact, a single aloe vera plant is capable of absorbing almost all the carbon monoxide in a room, as well as most pollutants such as benzene, toluene and formaldehydes, these molecules present in some household products and which can be responsible for many ailments.
That's not all: the night, the plant releases oxygen and acts even on the general welfare (which is why many people choose to put their aloe vera in the room at bedtime).
And as if that wasn't enough, aloe vera is also able to reduce allergies and limit the proliferation of dust mites. For a bit, we would be tempted to install an Aloe vera in all the rooms of the house, right?
If you want to benefit from the virtues of aloe vera gel on a daily basis , cultivating a single plant at home will not be enough, and it is better to buy aloe vera in a bottle (in the organic department of supermarkets, in specialized stores, in cosmetics brands ...). As a gel, it can be stored in the refrigerator and is used as a skin care product to moisturize, soothe and heal.
Many brands also market it in the form of drinks for those who wish to benefit from its detoxifying properties, naturally regulate their blood sugar, stimulate their immune defenses, boost their gastrointestinal health ...
But even if you only have a small plant at home, know that nothing prevents you from using the gel in an exceptional way to soothe a burn or a sunburn ! To take advantage of the multiple beneficial properties of aloe vera on the skin, it's simple: just cut a leaf with scissors, open it lengthwise and take the gelatinous substance to apply it. directly on the skin. Applied as a mask on the face, Aloe vera is also an excellent moisturizer that leaves the skin very soft. A real miracle plant, very popular with lovers of home care and cosmetics!
With so many virtues, it is not surprising that aloe vera is considered in many countries as a lucky plant ! For the superstitious, this plant is also able to ward off evil spirits from the home and bring happiness and prosperity to the families who cultivate it. Another good reason to run out and buy an aloe vera ... or give it as a housewarming gift to someone you care about (even if that person doesn't have a green thumb!). Because in addition to all the good reasons and the properties of aloe vera, we must not forget either that it is above all a magnificent plant that always has its little effect on a coffee table or a sofa!