Botany enthusiasts, as well as interior decoration fans should not miss the Sansevieria Trifasciata snake plant. It is one of the rare plants that can be used to refine a bedroom layout as well as to successfully decorate an exterior.
Whether or not you have a green thumb, it will necessarily be within your reach. Robust and easy to maintain: it is THE ideal plant to have at home.
The snake plant is also called in the common language the “mother-in-law's tongue” or “Knife”. It was found for the first time in Africa, and in particular in Nigeria and Congo. Sansevieria Trifasciata is its scientific name. It is part of the reign of the Plantae and the sub-reign of the Tracheobionta. From the Liliopsida class and the Asparagaceae family, this herbaceous plant occurs as a green leaf that rises from a rosette.
Once mature, it can reach 70 to 180 cm, and be 5 to 6 cm wide. It therefore adapts to cultivation on the ground as well as to a pot plantation. Its leaves will be a stunning green unless you've inherited one of the improved versions of the plant. These have been specifically studied to produce yellow or white leaves.
Nowadays, this very special species, snake plant, is found in any part of the world, but especially in India. Its virtues are widely appreciated by Hindus in order to fight against the excessive pollution present in their city.
Unusual resistance, and optimal size, the snake plant lends itself to growing in pots or outdoors. It all depends on your availability to maintain it and your desires. In either case, several advantages await you when using this plant. What are you waiting for, order and buy snake plants from us and get fast delivery options in India.
Exposure: bright light without direct sunlight.
Dimensions: from 30 to 70 cm, and more.
Watering: once a week. Let the soil dry out between waterings. Drastically reduce watering in winter (once a month, or less if the temperature is cool).
Maintenance: every month, or even a little more often, pass a clean and damp sponge on the leaves to get rid of the dust. Never pass them to milk, as is often advised, you will only add an oily film
on the foliage. Do not use a polishing product either, too polluting.
Note: never cut off the tips of the leaves, even if you find it a little spicy. This is where the growth point is. If you delete it, the development of the plant would be stopped.
You have the choice to adopt a Snake plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata) at home. Or, you buy it directly in a pot from us at best price and all you have to do is maintain it; or, you are embarking on a new hobby: gardening. If you have opted for the second option, here are some good things to know.
To begin with, you will need to choose the ideal location for the cultivation of your snake plant. Both outdoors and indoors, the ideal temperature standards, in order to guarantee the good development of the plant, remain the same: at least 10 ° C.
In addition, it is also worth emphasizing that the snake plant does not support very well a strong luminosity. It will therefore be necessary to find the right exposure for your plant. Indoors, it's more or less easy since you just have to hide the sun with curtains or shutters. Outdoors, the process is a little more complex. Generally, gardeners opt for a shaded area: next to a tree, flush with fences, etc.
In addition, the soil in which you are going to plant it must be carefully refined. A mixture of potting soil and sand will be necessary. The goal is to have a neutral acidity .
You should also choose the right time to start growing which will be in Spring. The climate is suitable for planting snake plants and guarantees a development within the standards of your plant. It will then be enough to create a furrow where you will put the leaf cuttings.
The space required for successful planting of snake plants varies from case to case. It all depends in particular on the density you want to have in your garden. Just remember to reserve a space of 5 cm between each cutting and follow a vertical movement in their planting.
Be careful however, choosing to plant a Sansevieria Trifasciata is also knowing how to be patient. Indeed, it will take several months before the plant develops properly and reaches adulthood .
It is possible to start planting your snake plant outdoors and to repot it after 3 to 4 years . In this case however, we advise you to find a pot with a hole in the bottom for better irrigation of the water during the watering sessions.
Snake Plant needs to be repotted only when the roots are cramped in its pot, about every 3 or 4 years. We then select a pot barely larger than the previous one and the bottom of which is perforated to allow the water to drain.